Kids Tricycles Age 24 Month to 5 Years, Toddler Kids Trike for 2.5 to 5 Year Old, Gift Toddler Tricycles for 2 - 4 Year Olds, Trikes for Toddlers
Kids Tricycles Age 24 Month to 5 Years, Toddler Kids Trike for 2.5 to 5 Year Old, Gift Toddler Tricycles for 2 - 4 Year Olds, Trikes for Toddlers
Explore our range of kids tricycles designed for ages 24 months to 5 years. The perfect gift for toddlers, our trikes are ideal for 2-4 year olds. Factory direct pricing."
"Discover our selection of toddler kids trikes suitable for 2.5 to 5 year olds. As a factory-direct supplier, we offer quality and affordability for parents and children.
● TODDLER TRICYCLE – kids tricycle is designed for 18-36 month toddler girls & boys who are curious and exited to explore the world, it helps to develop kids' steering skills, steering and coordination at an early age. KRIDDO kids trike for 2 year old let your kids enjoy riding and gain confidence, as well as develop muscle strength, it’s a fun gift for your little ones. ● IMPROVED ROLL-OVER PREVENTION – This interactive toddler trike for 2-3 years features a smarter triangular design with extended rear wheels, wider wheelbase to help prevent tipping or rolling over when kids are learning to ride. ● EASY-TO-CARRY SEAT AND COMFORTABLE GRIPS – The ergonomic design of our kid’s trike boasts a comfier seat for small bottoms, the design makes it easy to carry around. The smooth edges and non-slip handle grip also provide them better support during early learning active play. ● INDOOR AND OUTDOOR USE: KRIDDO kids tricycle is built with solid structure, which makes outdoor riding safe. The shock absorption silent wheels allow your kids ride around silently inside the house and do no damage to your floors. ● ATTENTION TO SAFETY: We have always considered the importance of safety for toddlers, KRIDDO kids tricycle for 1.5 to 3 year old is made of high-quality material, BPA free, matte nontoxic paint and conform to America toy standard, this ensures that they are safe for kids. You will get a sturdy kids trike, but don’t leave your baby alone when playing with it.We have set up R&D and innovation teams to strengthen the application and innovation of science and technology. Our R&D achievements are open to the domestic industry, and our patented products are authorized to domestic manufacturers free of charge. We work with our domestic counterparts to do a good job in R&D exchange and production of products. Efforts should be made to promote the construction of a community for the development of children's car industry.